
Upcoming Club Meeting

Tuesday January 21st  1:00-3:00 Food Bank. 

Tuesday January 28th 12:00-1:00 Regular Meeting. 
Guest Speaker Cheryl Polan with Rock Found.  Looking forward to meeting her!

Location: Community Grief Center, 4650 W 20th St, Greeley

Tuesday February 1st  9:00-12:00
Four Corners District Mid-Winter Conference. It will be held via Zoom again like last fall. 
We are working on a combined meeting place for this.


What is Exchange?

Exchange Logo

Exchange is an all-volunteer, national service organization for men and women who want to serve their community, develop leadership skills and enjoy new friendships. Exchange is made up of nearly 700 clubs and 22,000 members throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.

Exchange is known to millions as America’s Service Club. Founded in 1911, Exchange Clubs have been unselfishly serving their communities and improving the quality of life in their communities. The diverse array of Exchange-sponsored programs and projects has made a considerable impact on America. Last year alone, Exchange donated $39,000,000 into communities across the country.


A.C.E. Accepting the Challenge of Excellence – This scholarship recognizes a high school student who has made a dramatic change in their attitude and performance sometime during their high school years. These changes have enabled the student to overcome their adversities and prepare for graduation. Hence the award’s name, A.C.E., which is an acronym for Accepting the Challenge of Excellence. Applications are to be mailed and postmarked by March 8, 2025.

Youth Award – This award is for a student who is a Weld County resident, attends high school in Weld County, and is a Graduating Senior(2024) who is maintaining satisfactory academic progress as a full-time student, as well as involvement in Community Service in a significant manner. Applications are to be mailed and postmarked by March 8, 2025.

Flag Day 2022

June 14th is Flag day in the United States and commemorates the adoption of our flag in 1777. Today during our club lunch we had a lesson in flag folding and the meaning of our flag. Thank you to Lynn and Mike for showing us the proper way to fold a flag.

Lynn shares the meaning behind folding of the American flag into a triangle.

flag folding
Folding the flag

Mid-winter Conference

Saturday November 13th 9:30-12:00  Mid-Winter Conference at Community Grief Center.  This is a joint district meeting with 3 sites across the district (ours being one of the sites). Union Colony Club and the Falcon Club (Co Springs area) will be in person at our site. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.  Sarah has lined up a really good guest speaker (Diana Laws) who will be talking about Human Trafficking.  She will also have a speaker on Cyber Security.  It will be a great time for you to see and meet others within our district.  Watch for more information from Sarah.

Club Meeting – November 9th

Tuesday November 9th 12:00-1:00  Regular meeting.  Lunch provided by Jean Daviet (thank you!)  Guest Speaker will be Officer Teresa McClatchey with the Evans Police Dept. talking about all the good things the Evans Police has been able to do in their community.

We will be filling bags for the homeless right after our club meeting.